End Times, and New World


Question: Can you explain the difference between the new world order and the end times described in the book of Revelation?


There will be a change in the world, when all the events affecting Israel have taken their course, and come to a conclusion.

Prior to that; a personage called by Christian’s “the Anti-Christ” will have power for a short time; and will eventually be destroyed by Almighty God /Christ Jesus; who will change the world’s standards back to God’s Standards; which will be enjoyed for 1000 years, during which “Evil” (Satan and his servants, demons etc.) will be located in a Dungeon (secure holding, “The Bottomless Pit”) under God’s control!

All people that have taken God’s Gift of Salvation through Christ Jesus’ Sacrificial death; will be Saved by that Gift; by God’s Grace!

Those who have not, will be Judged in front of God’s “Great White Throne” (Rev. 20:11)!

The “end times”, describe the events prior to the start of the above; and when considering that Israel is God’s “signpost” and “timing indicator”; we can be sure that we must remain alert!


See: "End Age" events affecting Israel, and the world   (Study)



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